Satsang with Swami ShankaranandaSatsang with Swami Shankarananda: Bhagavan Nityananda - 30 January 2021
41min2021 MAR 15
In this satsang, Swami Shankarananda shared the teachings of the founder of his lineage, Bhagavan Nityananda. In this talk, Swamiji explored Bhagavan's esoteric aphorisms on the relationship between yoga and karma, seeking liberating, the mind and the clear space of good feeling. This podcast was recorded live at The Ashram in Mount Eliza on the 30th of January, 2020. Enjoying this free snippet of satsang? Swamiji's full satsang program includes chanting, meditation, traditional rituals and more - and can be viewed live and on demand every week! Click here for more information.