The Savior Said: A Come Follow Me PodcastS3 E- Portraits of the Old Testament- Sarah
53min2022 JAN 24
This episode is all about Sarah (also known as Sarai). Who was she? What was she like? What kind of life did she lead? How was she a perfect help meet for Abraham? We discuss all this and more in this month’s episode. This episode pairs with the Come Follow Me lesson for February 7-13 AND February 14-20. About the portrait: I had a hard time coming up with Sarah’s hands for this portrait. I knew I wanted to portray her in the mountains by the Dead Sea. Mountains because she metaphorically climbed mountain after mountain in her life. I liked the idea of the Dead Sea at night because the night sky (representing the power of God to give life) would be reflected in something that was dead (the Dead Sea). So I had my background, but how would I create Sarah in this space? I asked my husband what he thought I should do. He said he thought I should paint God placing a baby into Sarah’s arms. While that didn’t make the final cut, it did give me an idea. I thought about the idea of God t...