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2min2018 SEP 16


Question from Sahra in Brazil: What’s the difference between these sentences: * I’m married for 3 years. * I’ve been married for 3 years Answer Hi Sahra. This is a very quick one to answer as we have answered a lot of other questions about this subject and have sections of the English4Today Grammar on it as well. When you see ‘for‘ with a period or duration of time – as in ‘forthree years‘ or ‘fora long time‘ or ‘fortwo days‘ then you know that the verb will be in thePresent Perfect. We use thePresent Perfectwhen we are talking about something started in the past and continuing in the present. The structure of the the Present Perfect is: SUBJECT+HAVE/HAS+PAST PARTICIPLE OF VERB I+HAVE+BEEN MARRIED+ FOR TEN YEARS Your first sentence is therefore not correct and the second one is correct. Take a look at these references and explanations: · * Present Perfect· * Using For and Since·
