Mamamia Book Club
22min2020 JAN 12


Ask a woman to name her favourite book of all time, and many, without skipping a beat, will tell you it’s The Bronze Horseman. Often referred to as one of the greatest love stories of all time, The Bronze Horseman is set in Leningrad, upon the backdrop of World War II. As Hitler’s armies encroach on the Russian city, Tatiana, nearly 17, meets, Alexander, and their relationship begins to develop. When Paullina Simons was writing the novel, she prayed that someone else would feel just half of what she felt while writing it. No doubt, they did. Selling more than 400,000 copies in Australia alone, Simons’ book, and the subsequent series, have become a cult classic. So where did the idea for The Bronze Horseman come from? And is Tatiana based on anyone specifically? And, as corny as it sounds, how do you write a book that finds its way into the hearts of people all over the world? Remember, this is a Book Club, so we're assuming if you're listening you've read the book. That means the...
