What's Up with Wendy
23min2021 MAR 30
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Started in 2013, by Pamela Aflalo the concept for Nutty Bunny was simple enough, make a delicious and healthy non-dairy ice cream alternative for her daughter Sophie to enjoy. Her research turned up evidence linking allergies similar to Sophie’s to dairy products. They decided to try eliminating Dairy from her diet and within weeks Sophie was symptom free. Pamela had trained at the Natural Gourmet Institute and she set out to make the most delicious and healthy non-dairy ice cream for Sophie. Pamela set herself a goal, to concoct the best, nutrient dense desert possible. And this is why all of her recipes with cashews as the base and only natural ingredients that are dense with nutrients for flavor. After a lot of trial and error, Sophie approved a recipe and Nutty Bunny was officially born and named after her childhood nickname. Nutty Bunny can be found in over 25 stores across the tri-state area and has recently opened a new commercial kitchen in Norwalk CT where Pamela oversees production. All Nutty Bunny Ice Cream is deliciously hand-crafted using only the finest organic and vegan ingredients nature has to offer.

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