English4.today - Learn English Online
3min2020 JAN 9


Neologisms: inventing new words and terms This is a question from Sandy in South Africa: Listen to the audio version of this post:https://english4today.com/wp-content/uploads/neologisms.m4a The Question Hello, English4Today, I’ve been struggling with a grammar issue for which I don’t seem to be able to find much information . Would you be able to assist me in this: If one were to create a word from a well-known person’s name (+ing) in order to describe a behaviour that this person is most known for, what would one call this? For example: Person: Juno Known for: shock-value antics Example sentence: Anna was Junoing as if gasps were just as essential as the air she breathed. How would the word ‘Junoing‘ be classified, grammatically? It has been suggested that it would be a gerund. However, seeing as gerunds are formed from verbs+ing – with ‘Juno’ being a noun and not a verb – would this be correct? The Answer Thanks for that great question, Sandy. Not only does it touch on a ...
