英國腔這樣説Mr Reader Grammar Shots Introduction 讀者先生「三分鐘文法shots」課程介紹
4min2020 AUG 13
Mr Reader is an experienced English teacher who has taughtinternational students in many British universities including Imperial CollegeLondon. His "grammar shots" offer English lessons for peoplewith a busy lifestyle. "Grammar shots" are convenient and easy tounderstand so you can learn on the go, whether you are on a coffee break,commuting to work or wherever. You get a 3-minute clear explanation of agrammar feature with examples. It's all based on how to avoid the common errorsthat Mr Reader has observed over the years from international students,particularly from a Chinese speaking background. With this inexpensive course you can expect to take your Englishto the next level without having to set aside a lot of time.讀者先生是一名教學經驗豐富的英文老師,他在包括倫敦帝國學院在內的許多英國知名大學教授國際學生英語課程。讀者先生獨創的「三分鐘文法shots」是針對忙碌人士所設計。他用深入淺出的方式讓「三分鐘文法shots」淺顯易懂,而且隨時隨地可以收聽,無論是休閒時或是通勤的路上,只要你有三分...