Man for Others
14min2016 SEP 14


Niall, a seminarian for Portsmouth diocese, England, shares the story of his conversion, which began with a trip to Medjugorje (thanks to his mother) and includes JMJ Madrid:: "So when I returned home, I thought 'Right, it's going to go away soon' but after a few days it just kept growing and growing. And I knew I needed to speak to someone about it so I emailed a priest who'd travelled with us to WYD Madrid, and said 'Hi, Father, something has gone horribly wrong in my life. I think I want to become a priest. Please help me!' And he returned the reply and said 'Look, come and have a chat with me. We'll see what's going on.' So I went up and had a chat with him, and I must have been there for two or three hours, talking about all sorts but obviously centred around this sense of calling to the priesthood, which I was hoping he'd say 'Yeh, you're being ridiculous. Don't worry about it, it'll go away in a week.' But he didn't! He said, 'Look Niall, I think you need to take this serious...
