The historical crimes and criminals podcastLondon's grave issue
28min2022 MAR 1
By the 19th century Londons population had exploded and it simply had no more space for its dead. What was to be the answer? twitter: the historical crimes and criminals podcast Amadei, gian Luca Victorian Cemeteries and the Suburbs of London; Spatial Consequences to the Reordering of London’s Burials in the Early 19th Century, routledge, 2022 Brooke, A & Brandon D London city of the dead,the history press, 2008 Muinzer,Thomas, L, A Grave Situation: An Examination of the Legal Issues Raised by the Life and Death of Charles Byrne, the “Irish Giant” , International Journal of Cultural Property, Feb 2013 “Harding, V., ‘Location of Burials in Early Modern London’, in London Journal, No. 14, 1989.” “Ackroyd, P., London: The Biography, London, 2000.” “Arnold, C., Necropolis: London and its dead, London, 2006.” Knight charles, london burials