World History Encyclopedia
16min2022 MAR 21


Life in a Japanese Buddhist Monastery written by Mark Cartwright and narrated by Jennifer Sabir: Buddhistmonasteries have been part of the Japanese cultural landscape ever since the 7th century CE, and they remained both powerful and socially important institutions right through the medieval period. Today, many ofJapan's finest examples of ancient and medievalarchitectureare located attemplecomplexes, a good number of which are classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The monks who lived, worked, and meditated in Buddhist monasteries not only served their local communities on their way to reaching enlightenment but also produced some of Japan's finest historical works of art in painting,sculpture, and calligraphy. If you like our audio articles, please support us by becoming a member or donating to our non-profit company: MUSIC USED Lotus Blossom
