Your Last Meal with Rachel BelleJessica Seinfeld: Spaghetti & Meatballs, Caesar Salad, Garlic Bread & Tiramisu
33min2022 FEB 24
Jessica Seinfeld's latest cookbook, Vegan, At Times, is an ode to her current lifestyle of eatingmostly vegan, but she still enjoys the occasional bowl of warming chicken soup or nostalgic spaghetti and meatballs. She calls it a "gentler approach" to veganism and doesn't believe in creating rules around eating or doing any plant-based proselytizing. Jessica's last meal took us down a path we never thought we'd go: organized crime! Host Rachel Belle chats with Anna Van Valin, co-host of the podcast Every Day Is A Food Day, about how Italian-American restaurants became the clubhouse of choice for the mafia. And Rachel consults with the folks at Ragu, the jarred spaghetti sauce of her youth, about an Al Capone rumor splattered all over the Internet. Jessica says her vegan mac & cheese is indistinguishable from the real thing, which got Rachel thinking: what allows cheese to melt and how do you get vegan cheese to do it? She spoke to the CEO of New Culture, a group of cheese loving scie...