Kristi Lee UninterruptedIN State Senator Jim Merritt: The War on Heroin and Opioids
59min2018 MAY 8
We are scratching the surface on a tough topic in this episode, Opioids and Heroin addiction with Indiana State Senator Jim Merritt. Senator Merritt has undertaken the huge job of trying to kill heroin use in 5 years in his state of Indiana. He is 2 years into his fight and we talk about how far he has come and how much work still needs to be done. The opioid/heroin epidemic has hit almost all of us. No matter your race, economic status, religion, age we all know someone who has been hit with this sweeping disease. I call it a disease for a reason. Addiction is an illness it is NOT a character flaw. Let’s loose the stigmas attached to the word “addiction” and start helping people. That’s Senator Merritt’s message and he shares many useful tools. Including; prevention/education, treatment programs, going after drug lords, updated drug teams to assist after an overdose in hospitals, alternate medicines and devices to block pain receptors, and even clean needle exchange programs. ...