Ben Greenfield Life
1h 26min2019 JUN 15


I'm constantly playing and experimenting with new devices and so-called biohacks to enhance sleep and cognition. One of my favorites of late is a very handy device called the NuCalm, which I've been using to simulate an entire 120 minute sleep cycle with just a 20 minute daily powernap. The NuCalm is a next-level cranial electrotherapy stimulation device that uses both a relaxation cream and mild stimulation to help your brain interrupt the adrenaline and cortisol release by mimicking what naturally occurs in your brain right before you sleep. It includes an app with “music” – which is actually neuroacoustic software that delivers frequencies to your brain which take you down to theta brain wavelength. This thing lets me get a 20-minute intense period of relaxation even when I can’t nap, and I’m now ducking away and using it nearly every day, particularly during travel and on airplanes. It’s spendy, but in my opinion, well worth it. You can get a NuCalm hereand save $500 with ...


Endure Chapter 13: Analog


A Guide To Monitoring Human Stress (& How To Use HRV, Breathwork, Stress Resiliency & Biofeedback) With Jay Wiles Of HANU Health.

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Why I Am No Longer Going To Be Using "Plant Medicines": Part 1


Endure Chapter 12: Flow


How To Fast Track Your Way To Optimized Brain Fitness (& Instantly Lull Yourself Into Hypnosis, Sleep, Energy, Meditation & Much More!) With Dr. Patrick Porter Of BrainTap.

1h 8min

Q&A 443: The Latest On Diet, Supplements & Cognition, Melatonin, Natural Testosterone Boosters, Blood Flow Restriction Training, Managing Inflammation & Much More!

1h 11min

Endure Chapter 11: Seatbelts & Sentries


Ben Greenfield's Favorite Workouts, Building a Generational Legacy, Biohacking On a Budget, & Much More: Part 2 of Ben's Talk at the Health Optimisation Summit.
