Build Your Online Audience
40min2021 FEB 12


If you’re building a personal brand online, people have to get to know the person behind the business. Otherwise, they won’t buy from you. But how much personal information should you share on your social media and other content platforms? What is ‘ok’ to share and what should be kept private? And what is the difference between sharing and oversharing? If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, you’ll love this podcast episode on how much personal information you should share on social media (and other content platforms). If you worry about sharing too much personal information, I explore why you might feel like that (and whether your concerns are justified). I also share practical tips on how to decide what to share and what to keep private. {Click on the player above to listen to the podcast episode and/or read on for a detailed overview. Scroll down to the bottom to read the show notes including all the links mentioned in this episode.} Podcast shownotes About my...
