English Short Stories for Kids
4min2020 APR 23


Written in Kannada by Jayashree Deshpande; Translated to English by Dr Divaspathy Hegde; Illustrated by Srikrishna Kedilaya; Published by Pratham Books In a stream far away, lived several families of frogs, tortoises, and fish happily in each other’s company. The fish family was the largest of all. The had a big fat radio underwater. Grandpa fish was the head of the fish and was respected by all. He had everything in his control except for the family radio. The young fishes and tortoises would occupy the radio playing film music and grandpa never had time to listen to any news. One day he managed to play the radio and heard a serious announcement, “A group of people are using new techniques to capture maximum numbers of fish possible. They are poisoning the water of the rivers one by one!” All the river creatures went numb in fear upon hearing this and decided to seek help from the village headman. It is then the younger ones realized what a huge disaster it would have been had g...
