IIEA Talks
1h 9min2021 FEB 18
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In her keynote address, Prosecutor of the ICC, Dr. Fatou Bensouda, argues that accountability for atrocity crimes and the evolving system of international criminal justice, with the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) as its nucleus, are essential for a rules-based global order. She shares her thoughts on the status of the ICC today, its international impact, and the need for international support for its crucial work to prioritise the plight of victims. She also reflects on her legacy as Prosecutor of the ICC as her term comes to a conclusion this summer. She discusses the achievements of her Office during the past nine years, as well as its setbacks, along with contemporary challenges and future opportunities. As part of the IIEA's Global Europe project, supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs, this webinar is open to the public. About the Speaker: Mrs. Fatou Bensouda is the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), having assumed office in 2012. In 2011, she...

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