Civil Conversations with David Baria Podcast
41min2018 AUG 29


In this view behind the policy curtain down in Mississippi, David Baria talks with his colleague, Mississippi State Representative Becky Currie. Currie represents something of a frustrating but common political paradox. During their conversation, Currie and Baria find familiar ground as both lament about how exasperating it can be trying to create good policy for their constituents without being a member of the conservative all boy’s club. Too often their voices, and certainly the policies themselves, are ignored entirely because neither one of them is part of the good old boy power structure in Mississippi. However, Currie, who talks about the numerous inequalities women face in the workforce, and certainly the legislature, also happens to be the author of the nations’s most restrictive abortion bill. How can someone acknowledge being frustrated with a process that ignores the voice of women, yet hand that same group of men a piece of legislation that represents the most conserva...
