Unsafe Space
2h 19min2022 JUN 28


Carter chats with panelists Sunny Lohmann and L (SomeBitchIKnow) about the flurry of Supreme Court rulings recently released, the logic behind them, and what they mean for American culture. They end with a review of Nancy Pelosi's infamous elbow shove, some paranoia about the Large Hadron Collider, and contemplation of mysterious deaths at a nightclub in South Africa. Sunny is the host of The House of Sunny podcast and a political satirist who was a regular contributor to PJ Media and whose popular videos can now be seen on her YouTube channel, House of Sunny. Follow her online: Twitter: @sunnylohmann Facebook: houseofsunny.tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HouseofSunny Instagram: @sunnylohmann L, .a.k.a. SomeBitchIKnow. is the relentless researcher behind SomeBitchMedia and the personification of its tagline: ”Cite your sources or GTFO.” She’s helped explode mainstream narratives around the COOF, The 2020 Election, Jeffrey Epstein, and other issues. Follow her online: Gab...
