Unsafe Space
1h 31min2021 JAN 7


Keri and Carter chat live with Gary Buechler. Gary is the host and founder of the Nerdrotic YouTube channel, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/sutrowatchtower After founding and running The Comics Outpost, a comic book store in San Francisco, Gary launched the Nerdrotic Network. His channel covers the good, the bad, and the ugly from the current state of Pop Culture with an affinity for genre TV like Lord of the Rings on Amazon, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, The Orville, The Expanse, Westworld, The Witcher, Umbrella Academy, and The Venture Bros. Gary is the co-host of The Inquisition, Friday Night Tights, and The ExoZone. His pronouns are Who?/What?/Me? and you can follow him online at: Website: Nerdrotic.com Nerdrotic Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOQB6H4SuSzUN5IfciurY9g Nerdrotic Daily: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRCraKP10Q5fSAbCimkizIA/featured Twitter: @Nerdrotics Parler: @Nerdrotic Instagram - @nerdrotic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gary.buechler (Request to join the Nerdrotic Podcast Group) Links Referenced in the Show: Thanks for Watching! The best way to follow Unsafe Space, no matter which platforms ban us, is to visit: https://unsafespace.com While we're still allowed on YouTube, please don't forget to verify that you're subscribed, and to like and share this episode. You can find us there at: https://unsafespace.com/channel For episode clips, visit: https://unsafespace.com/clips Also, come join our community of dangerous thinkers at the following social media sites...at least until we get banned: Twitter: @unsafespace Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unsafepage Instagram: @_unsafespace Gab: @unsafe Minds: @unsafe Parler: @unsafespace Locals: unsafespace.locals.com MeWe: https://mewe.com/p/unsafespace Telegram Chat: https://t.me/joinchat/H4OUclXTz4xwF9EapZekPg To help us continue operating, please visit: https://unsafespace.com/donate Don't forget to pick up some Unsafe Space merch while you're there!
