48min2021 SEP 28


The international intelligence consultant continues his fascinating story on his experience from Afghanistan. But is it really true that two of the worlds most powerful nations are deeply connected to Afghan opium trade and what does roughly 22 tons of Afghan gold do, deposited in American banks, when they know the money comes from the same trade? Or do they really know? Guest: A podcast by: Mikael Hylin Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin Cover: From the article: OVERWHELMED BY OPIUM - The U.S. war on drugs in Afghanistan has imploded at nearly every turn - The Washington Post. By Craig Whitlock Dec. 9, 2019 (Photo: Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images) Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part. Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.
