The Quran Lifestyle Show
16min2021 MAY 6
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In episode 3, I want to share with you my no1 technique for overcoming this struggle of what to do when the unexpected happens and your thrown off course with your goals and that will help you avoid it happening again IA in the future that I call 'the rubber band effect'. End Ramadan Strong Challenge - Where every day for the last 10 nights of Ramadan, I coming on live to share with you quranic reflections and strategies to help you overcome that Ramadan dip that usually happens around mid-Ramadan, which some of us might find ourselves still stuck in for various different reasons where our physical and mental energy levels, or motivation or productivity, etc have really dwindled away. We are addressing some of those key causes of that Ramadan dip and how to overcome them so we can really power up and end Ramadan strong IA- to help make Ramadan 2021 your best yet! Get this episode's summary & related quotes at: ===== FREE GIVEAWAY ===== Achieve your Qu...

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