Topanga Moon
37min2020 APR 3


Our words have so much vibrational power. In this cosmic conversation I dive into the power of affirmations along with the history of where it all began and who were the leaders in this movement of positive thinking. I chat about Emile Coue who is considered the grandfather of affirmations and treated patients with auto suggestion. How we developed this work and understanding and how it began with his studies in hypnosis. He coined the popular affirmation "everyday in every way I am getting better and better." Then I discuss the work of Francis Scoval Shinn and Louise Hay and how they both popularized the use and power of affirmations. Louise Hay was truly transformational in this work and has impacted my life with her book You Can Heal You Life. She created Hay House and inspired one of my favourite new thought leaders, Wayne Dyer. I chat about Wayne's study of the Tao Te Ching and the important message of "the Tao does nothing and leaves nothing undone" and how this relates to the...
