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1h 3min2020 DEC 22


In this episode, Marta and Anna investigate how to make Christmas special in 2020. 9 friends of the show have sent voice greetings with their Christmas wishes and sharing on how they plan to turn Christmas into a beautiful experience (or fun one!). We had great comments from the audience and two musical surprises, one from Dave and one from Signe. What a treat! Image by ksyfffka07 from Pixabay Recordings from the friends of the show Lasse Lønsgaard Randrup Our first technician, present with us quite a bit in Season 1 and 2 (after his recording we can't stop wondering Who the F*CK is Steve!?) Fatema Barot Ep 169: Moving forward through grief 75 LIVE SHOW SPECIAL: The Universe falls in Love with a Courageous heart - with Fatema Barot and YvG5O Ep 73: 5 key ingredients to make a captivating presentation (PART 1) - with Fatema Barot and Anna Niescieruk from YvG5O Ep 74: 5 key ingredients to make a captivating presentation (PART 2) - with Fatema Barot and YvG5O Katarina Pedersen Ep 172: (Fast) Manifesting and Joyful Meditation with Katarina Pedersen Judy Wanjiku Ep 129: The Kimberleys, Urban Legends and can men suffer from postpartum depression (with Judy Wanijku Jørgensen)? Ep 108: The Art of Letting Go with Judy Wanjiku Jørgensen and YVGO Morten Bonde Ep 167: Sentenced to blindness. Now what? Ep 107: How to find the essence of who you really are with Morten Bonde and YVG5O Rasmus Jensen Ep 168: Unconventional professions: what can a Soul Guide do for you? with Rasmus Jensen Ep 170: Soul-guiding Session Live on Air with Rasmus Jensen Klaudia
