6min2 d ago
▍原文 With tears in his eyes, Rafael Nadal said goodbye to professional tennis on Tuesday. "I just want to be remembered as a good person and a kid that followed their dreams," the Spanish great modestly said after playing in his final match. Despite Nadal and Spain having just been shockingly ousted from the Davis Cup by the Netherlands, the 38-year-old appeared at peace with his decision to walk away from a trophy-laden career. ▍語言點 1. with tears in one's eyes 眼含熱淚 2. great /ɡreɪt/ n. 傑出人物 3. be ousted by somebody 被……淘汰出局 4. at peace with something 對……感到平靜,從容 5. walk away from something 脫離某種狀態,告别某種境遇 6. trophy-laden /ˈtrəʊfi, ˈleɪdn/ adj. 榮譽滿滿的,有輝煌成就的 · laden adj. 裝滿的,滿載的 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 · 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮: 《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 《英文學習方法論》 共72節視頻課,英語...