Crime & Conspiracy
18min2020 JUL 13
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On April 1st, Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers left their hosts' family to take a hike around the Baru Volcano in Boquete, Panama. But the girls never returned, their dog returned to the home safely without the girls and the girls would soon be reported missing. The authorities launch a search and eventually come across the girls' last phones calls and photos. In total, they tried to call 911 or 112 (Netherlands) over 77 times and the photos found were creepy and concerning, to say the least. After 6 years, the case remains unsolved as their deaths are deemed inconclusive. What really happened to Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers? Follow on : Facebook: @Crimeandconspiracypodcast IG: @Crimeandconspiracypodcast Twitter:@CrimeandPod Reddit:CrimeandConspiracy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

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