The Watching World
17min2022 MAY 19


Welcome to the Watching World Podcast! In today’s episode, we speak with special guest host Heidi St. John about parenting in a culture that is anti-God and anti-family, developing community, and where to find Biblical examples of motherhood. Biblical literacy should be at the heart of motherhood. In order to teach scripture to our children, we need to know it ourselves. We can’t pass on what we don’t possess. Because our culture faces such bold lies, the only answer is to speak bold truth. Diving into the Word of God daily helps us combat these lies. Not only does scripture equip us, but our children need to see us reading it. We should also strive to stay in community with other believers. As mothers and human beings, we thrive on relationships. We need other Christian women to hold us accountable and encourage us. Heidi St. John is the creator of Mom Strong International, The Busy Mom blog, and the Off the Bench Podcast. She's also currently running for Congress. Mom Strong International trains and equips women to lead. You can host bible studies or follow along with the monthly Bible study at Heidi St. John Abundant Life
