The She Built It Podcast with Melanie & Dr. Michele
20min2020 DEC 1


Dr. Beidel is the Director of UCF RESTORES, a clinical research center dedicated to trauma and PTSD. Besides being a dedicated mentor and professor, Dr. Beidel has received over $31 million in federal research funding. Her work currently focuses on developing effective treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for veterans, active duty personnel, first responders and survivors of mass shootings, using technology to enhance treatments. Dr. Beidel is the principal investigator of a study funded by the Joint Warfighters Advanced Development Group to treat PTSD in active duty military personnel – including intensive outpatient programs that treat PTSD in 2-3 weeks. She also has funding from the Department of Defense to develop a new virtual reality tool that helps clinicians more easily design VR scenarios to treat veterans, active duty personnel, first responders, and survivors of mass shootings with PTSD. Listen to this second half of our interview with Dr. Beidel. It will...
