Crown On
47min2019 APR 30


Our guest today is entrepreneur and social influencer Alex Quin founder of UADV a Forbes accredited investment portfolio/marketing agency.This 25 year old specializes in business development and strategic partnerships and he leads a full-time personal marketingteam that travels building brands and creating partnerships.Today he starts his new podcast on ReVolver Podcasts, Hustle inspires Hustle.Join us today as we get to talk to this amazing young entrepreneur who is breaking the typical business stereotypes as he tells us his ideas his concepts and his unique take on what is needed to succeed in business today. Executive Producer:Maria Lopez Alvarez Audio Engineer/Post Editor: Cesar Haliwa(Chaliwa Music & Sound) Facebook: @AleydaOrtiz,@MariaLopezalvarez Instagram: @AleydaOrtiz , @Monsy63 Guest Alex Quin: Instagram and Facebook: @Hustle inspires Hustle
