Ask Drone U
45min2022 MAY 12


What are the best practices to put together Isotopes' Cinewhoop shots? How can pilots plan such shots? Today's question is from Tom, who wants to know how pilots can put together Cinewhoop shots and what goes into planning and execution of such shots. We are fortunate to have performed a Cinewhoop production video for a local baseball club Isoptoes and happy to answer Tom's question today straight from our hands-on experience of performing a shoot. We start our response by highlighting GoPro's latest camera with superior stabilization than its predecessor models and how it has been designed for Cinewhoop videos. We then delve directly into Tom's question by first talking about what cinewhoop entails and the legalities around such shots. We discuss how pilots need to plan flight plans and equipment for a perfect shot and this is critical in the overall success for a production shot. We then delve into specifics of how Paul landed a Cinewhoop project for Isoptopes, a local baseball cl...
