Rude Tudors
50min2017 MAR 14


In the words of that immortal poet Rihanna "Work, work, work, work, work" is the subject of this episode of history podcast Rude Tudors. More specifically, literary historian Liz Rodriguez and nerdy laywoman Nicole Keating dig deep into the lives of three badass working women. From crossdressing pirate to propagandist spy to philanthropic banker, these Renaissance ladies worked their way through the world. Find out the answers to... How were women's roles in the economy limited in Renaissance England? What were some ways around those rules? Highlights include Ben Jonson cosplay, the horrors of early modern ultrasounds, callbacks to burn books, old-timey wage gaps, and more! Are you DTL--down to learn? Then take a raunchy jaunt through the times of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Shakespeare. Connect at 872-302-RUDE, RudeTudors,com,, Facebook, Twitter
