Rude Tudors73-Air Pollution
40min2016 DEC 12
In this episode of Rude Tudors, literary historian Liz Rodriguez and nerdy laywoman Nicole Keating explore early environmental consciousness in Renaissance England. Did you know that coal was burned in England since at least the 1000? As early as the 14th century, London authorities attempted to curtail this disastrous practice, which was widelyrecognized as hazardous to humans, plants, and architecture alike. And yet here we are, still trying to get away from coal in the new millennium. Find out the answers to: When did Londoners first become aware of relationship between air quality and health? What contributed to poor London air quality, and what were its effects? How similar are our modern conversations about pollution to those had in the 1500 and 1600s? Join this raunchy, yet educational, jaunt through the time of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Shakespeare. Connect at voicemail 872-302-RUDE, RudeTudors,com,, Facebook, Twitter