Inside Curling
1h 12min2021 JAN 7


In this episode, we discuss: - Given the state of the pandemic, do Canadians want to see Curling proceed with trying to host a bubble event in Calgary? That's one of our poll questions. - Building backyard curling rinks and the sport of Crokicurl — a mashup of crokinole and curling. - Where the money comes from for curling at the national level - Introducing younger players to high level curling Also: - Warren looks back on the curling career of the Golden Girls: Joyce McKee and Vera Helen, four-time Canadian curling champions. - Guess how many curling pins Warren has in his collection? - A club in China has over 5000 members? And: - Team Scotland’s 2021 World Junior coach sends us a note about the cancellation of this year’s World Juniors. And he has some suggestions on what can be done.
