2. Achieve Mastery through Humility
The word “mastery” is a bit intimidating, isn’t it? It suggests a state of unwavering perfection, and conceals how the sausage is made.
As it turns out, the sausage is made with humility. Liv Boeree learned this in one of the most competitive arenas of all—professional poker. In that crucible of confidence, the only way to achieve mastery is by surrounding yourself with a peer group of better players and submitting your plays to their scrutiny. This means revisiting your mistakes, but also reviewing your successes, asking whether there was a possible better play.
Mix hands-on experience with continuous learning.
Establish a peer group of people who excel at your craft. Seek advice by asking tough questions. For example, Can you tell me where I went wrong?
Listen and be humble. Implement their feedback in your next attempt.
As you improve and gain confidence, beware overconfidence. Keep seeking feedback from your peer group.