The Blacklist Exposed
1h 15min2019 NOV 23


Katarina needs to transfer some money but she can't just walk into a bank. So she leverages a Hawaladar, an off book way of transferring money to other parties through an honor ledger system. Support the Show! Be sure to #FillTheFedora on Patreon. Case Profile for The Hawaladar The Hawaladar is a type of IOU service that criminals use to trade money without using banks so governments cannot trace it. Essentially the criminal gives the cash to a Hawaladar, who then gives another Hawaladar wherever the job is a green light to carry out the action. Red needs the task force to help him win over the Hawaladar, Bhavish Ratna, so he can get information on Orion Relocation Services, which will lead him to Ilya before anything awful happens to him. Meanwhile Katarina has Ilya captured and is torturing him to get answers about Red and the Townsend Directive. She however is not the only one asking questions as Liz confronts Katarina about a picture Agnes drew about a dead person in the park. T...
