Personal Development
7min2020 AUG 29


Everything is in perfect alignment. You feel like the work you do makes a difference in the world. You are happy at work. You are deeply engaged. That’s what Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard Business School, calls a “Rubik’s cube moment.” This perfect alignment occurs when you feel the values of the company you work for are the same as your personal values. So how can you create such a moment for yourself and for those you manage? In this lesson, Kanter offers three strategies.Implement a common vocabularyUnite a disparate workforce by using your company’s statement of purpose, values and principles as a management tool.Keep the conversation openMotivate your talent by engaging them in the process of identifying commonly shared values and creating alignment strategies.CommitEmbed a social purpose in your business strategy. Pledge to serve it in good times and in bad.