12min2021 JAN 18


【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 標題 工作:高收入就得忍受苛刻老板? 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: You are applying for the GM position? That’s super cool. B: Can you keep a secret? I sort of wanna fly under the radar. A: That’s not gonna happen. You hold the spotlight. B: I just wanna keep low-profile. 知識點: 1. fly under the radar 低調,不張揚 2. hold the spotlight 成為焦點 3. low profile = low key 低調 對話二: A: So how’s work? B: Frustrating. My boss never listens to me. He’s always had this "my way or the highway" attitude going on. And he even tries to force his religion down my throat. A: That’s annoying. But at least your pay is way above average. B: That’s right. Still, I hate the job. A: Come on. You can’t have your cake and eat it. 知識點: 1. my way or the high way 要麼聽話,要麼走人 2. force sth. down one’s throat 把某物強推給某人 3. have one’s cake and eat it 又想馬兒跑得塊,又想馬兒不吃草 ; 魚...
