Where Does It Go?

Where Does It Go?

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A podcast about curious endings. Where does it go? We look at the hidden life cycles of things that seem to just "go away", such as sewage, viruses, stardust, old curse words, fatbergs, and more!

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 56: Outmoded Disease Treatments, Plague Fashions: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | Farts! Raw sewage! Cocaine! Linen fabric! Arsenic! Mercury! What do these have in common? They’re all methods used to attempt to treat different diseases! They all only kind of worked at best and had terrible, terrible side effects! Where did these treatments go? Plagues and pandemics have influenced fashion for ages. Beauty patches, merkins, feminine beauty ideals, mens facial hair, plague doctor costumes, and more, have phased in and out of society. Where have they gone? https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen https://www.patreon.com/wheredoesit Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 55: Werewolves; An Interview With Victor Arteaga: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] Where do werewolves go? In Victor Arteaga’s book Unrest, turns out they end up as refugees on the moon! We talk to Victor Arteaga about his upcoming book release, as well as going through the path the concept of werewolves has taken throughout time, from the Indo-European origins, to werewolf trials alongside witch trials, to modern pop-culture interpretations. Info for Victor Arteaga: Website: welcometogalilei.com Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Victor-Arteaga/e/B07FLS5PM4?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1571491306&sr=8-1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/bloodmoontrio Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bloodmoontrilogy Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16807687.Victor_Arteaga https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen https://www.patreon.com/wheredoesit Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 54: Dollywood’s Garbage, Bigfoot: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] National treasure, Dolly Parton, in true Dolly Parton style, has a novel and highly environmentally friendly method for handling the trash generated at Dollywood. Where does that trash go? What is done with it? And Bigfoot; where does Bigfoot go? Where have some of the hoaxists for Bigfoot gone? Is Bigfoot real? Do you want to believe?a https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 53: Agatha Christie, Kentucky Daisy: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] It’s a history episode! We start with an Agatha Christie mystery; where did she go during her 11 day disappearance in 1926? Was it a stunt, attempted suicide, or attempted MURDER? Kentucky Daisy was a hellcat of an emigrant, who laid claim to land in Oklahoma, helped other women stake claims, and has just a fascinating story. Sarah tells us about where she went. https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 52: Happy To Be Me Doll, and Atuk, the Movie : Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] What brought about the Happy to be Me doll? What impact do fashion dolls like Barbie really have on social expectations for girls and women? And Atuk, the movie, has left in the wake of its attempted production the deaths of so many famous comedians that it’s considered cursed. Where did that movie end up? Who died? https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 51: The Bhopal Disaster, and The Max Headroom Broadcast Intrusion: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] Bhopal, 1984, was the site of the largest industrial disaster in human history. What happened in the aftermath? Where did the poisonous gas go? What about the dead, and the injured? The company responsible? Also, ever heard of Max Headroom? If you were watching Dr. Who in Chicago in 1987, you probably witnessed the Max Headroom Broadcast Intrusion; who was Max Headroom? What happened to the broadcast? Where did the culprits go? Max Headroom 1987 Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqgeM6rWSkw https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 50: The Devil’s Tramping Grounds, Space Rovers: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] Where does the Devil go to dance? Did you know it’s North Carolina? Did you know it’s right near where we podcast? Why is this mysterious circle supposedly the gateway to hell? Space rovers; little zoomy, hoppy, rolly robots that totter around other planets/moons/asteriods and tell us as much as they can about those planets. Let’s learn about where these little wonders go! https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 49: Old Wind Turbines; The Island of the Blue Dolphins: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] What happens when wind turbines are at the end of their expected lifecycle? Do you know how big those dang things actually are??? And the Island of the Blue Dolphins; an actual place, with an actual lone survivor, and a compelling life story! Juana Maria, the lost woman of San Nicholas Island, was the living woman behind the story in the book Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. Where did she go? What has happened with the island since she lived there? https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 48: Sealand, and Nuclear Satellites: Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] The micronation of Sealand; what? Who? Where? When? And what do they have to do with Gianni Versace, German geopolitics, pirate radio, state government coups, and more? Sarah’s here to tell us all about it! Nuclear satellites; why would we want them? Where do they end up? Are they dangerous? How often do they just, bloop, fall into the sea? Let’s find out! https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

[COMEDY][INFORMATION] Where Does it Go? | Episode 47: Pangaea, Emperor Norton : Where Does it Go? | A podcast about life cycles of all kinds of things, and where stuff goes | [SFW] Pangaea; the first supercontinent humans ever determined existed. Where did it go? How did it break up, and why? And how on Earth did we figure this out? Emperor Norton; a man ahead of his time, Emperor Norton declared himself Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, and started throwing his weight around San Francisco in the mid 19th century. Where did he go? https://wheredoesitpodcast.com/listen Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / Anchor / Soundcloud Twitter: twitter.com/wheredoesitpod1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/wheredoesitpodcast/?hl=en email: wheredoesitpodcast@gmail.com

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