What Was That Like

What Was That Like

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First-hand true stories - a plane crash, a mass shooting, a bear attack, a train derailing, and more. The guest tells us exactly what happened, and answers the question, What Was That Like?

Preview of Who Killed Daphne?

Margy told me in detail about the overwhelming project of cleaning her parents’ hoarded house, but also how the events surrounding that time had a surprising and lasting effect on her own life.

This is a special “Unusual Job” episode, and I spoke to Jen, who is in the wedding industry. She attends the rehearsal dinner, the wedding, and the reception. But only Jen and the bride (who hired her) know the secret – Jen is a professional bridesmaid.

Preview of The Execution of Bonny Lee Bakley

Evan and his wife enjoy spending time outdoors, especially snowboarding. Their smiles are biggest when they’re flying down a snowy mountain. But there was one Friday morning when an avalanche changed that joy to horror.

Kennedy was driving her car, and a couple of her friends were with her. She lost control and the car began rolling over. All three of them were thrown out, but no one would have ever guessed where Kennedy ended up.

Jill was a victim of human trafficking for more than 3 years. She told me how it happened, what her day to day life was like, and how a stranger in Manhattan helped her escape.

Tessi’s job meant she spent all day working in the deep forest. It was hard work, but she loved being out in nature, surrounded by huge trees. But things changed when one of those big trees came crashing to the ground.

One day Jessica was on a phone call with a co-worker, and she made a decision that seemed to be pretty small at the time. But the choice she made that day ended up changing the whole direction of her life.

One day Jami opened her mail, and found that she had been summoned for jury duty. She ended up being selected for a murder trial – as the jury foreman.

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