What Magic Is This?

What Magic Is This?

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What Magic is This? is a topic based podcast about Magic, the Occult, the Esoteric, the Paranormal, the Supernatural and the Weird. Each episode revolves around one single topic in the hope that we can flesh out the things one needs to know about it. For those curious about Magic and the strange world in any way, these episodes should provide an invigorating introduction.

Many of those who practice Magic and Divination or are just curious about it, will have a deck of Tarot Cards. And yet, most of them have no idea as to how the Tarot cards became something that is to this day one of the most popular forms of divination. On this episode of WMiT? we will be diving into what I consider to be the most interesting aspect of Tarot, which is the history of the cards themselves. Along the way we will explore where they came from, some of the historic decks we still have, as well as a few myths that have accrued around Tarot itself!

Mormonism is an American Religious tradition that started in the early 19th century by one single figure, Joseph Smith. To followers he is considered a prophet and a seer; one who received many revelations in his life which are all part of what makes Mormonism what it is today. Yet, through the years many have taken a closer look at what occurred with Joseph Smith initially at the birth of Mormonism, and have noticed many Occult as well as Masonic Influences. Going through it all, WMiT? is joined by Scholar, Author and Spiritual guide Dr. Nick Literski.

Perhaps the most notorious esoteric secret society of all time, the Rosicrucians still inspire enormous amounts of mystery and interest to this day. Yet what is going on with the Rosicrucians exactly? Where did they come from? Who were the Rosicrucians? Why do they matter still? Was it all some kind of inside Joke? To set all of this straight is the scholar of Western Esotericism and the author of many books which are important to our interests here at WMiT?- the Great Tobias Churton!

For more than 60 years in the late 19th century and early 20th century, a New Religious Movement known as Spiritualism swept across the Western World. Everyone from famous authors to housewives took part in engaging with spirits and Mediumship via Séances and other means. These days Spiritualism is mostly taken as a period of time in which every participant was either delusional or being conned by frauds. Yet there is much more to Spiritualism and Spirit Mediumship than what most people are familiar with. Going through it with us is the one and only Dr. Jack Hunter.

As far as books of Magic throughout history, perhaps the most notorious of these is The Picatrix. Originally titled in Arabic as Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm or the Goal of the Wise, it is a very large tome of Talismanic and Astrological Magic which was likely originally composed in the 11th century. Hugely influential in the Renaissance, it has seen a recent surge in popularity in the last 20 years. Joining WMiT? for a discussion of all things Picatrix, is one of its translators and a leading force in Astrological Magic- Christopher Warnock.

You enter a darkened room. There's beautiful artwork on the walls, many books, and the place is absolutely filled with decks of cards of all kinds. A single figure sits there, shuffling a small deck of cards as you yourself sit down facing them. You have a question and are looking for answers- The question is "What is the Tarot?" And you will be given the answer by one who knows more than most about these strange and wonderful cards- Dr. Camelia Elias.

The image of a witch or a warlock creeping through a dark forest collecting herbs, leaves and branches and stuffing them in a pouch is one that we are all familiar with. And with good reason! Materia Magica from Plants, Trees and Herbs strike to the core of magical practice. For some, it is the very path to how they navigate the world of magic as it involves knowledge, practicality, and lore in near equal measure. And to tell us all about it, is one who has explored it more than most- the one and only Corinne Boyer!

There is no other author whose works have been brought up both on the show, and in the show notes more than Gary Lachman. Gary has stated that his work is about the Evolution of Consciousness and many of the concepts and figures which he writes about should be familiar to every ardent listener of What Magic is This? In this episode, I would love to introduce to you, the person whose books are some of my favourite ever written- the one and only Gary Lachman!

The concept of "Magic" within the Jewish world is a complex and fascinating one. Many people when they look at the Western Esoteric and Magical tradition will say that many of the elements of it take much from the Hebrew alphabet and Jewish Mysticism like Kabbalah. But what of the Jewish people themselves, how did magic and mysticism play a role in their lives throughout time? Joining me on this episode is the one and only Dr. Justin Sledge.

Monoliths exist. The Occult and Esotericism in the West has many, but there are only a handful that almost everyone who calls themselves a seeker knows and will cite by name. One of them was written by a quiet but imposing figure, who seemingly out of nowhere at the age of twenty-seven wrote a book that cut to the very heart of philosophical esotericism. His name was Manly Palmer Hall and his book The Secret Teachings of All Ages stands to this day as a book that is both daunting and dizzyingly vast. But what can we take from this work now, and what do we make of its enigmatic and mystical author? Welcome back to the Fools Gallery.

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