Weedsday Wednesday!

Weedsday Wednesday!

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A live medical marijuana cannabis radio show! Interviews, news, strain reviews, product reviews and information about anything and everything medical marijuana!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421! Special Guest-Michael Rich! June 22, 2022 8-9am Phoenix, AZ time! Michael Rich is a brand builder and cannabis expert who previously focused on direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing, working with over 100 of the top fortune 500 companies. Currently working on B2B with Cannabis brands all across the US and Canada. And owner of the first Cannabis Shop i...

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANNABIS KID!!!!!!!!! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

JoinBelle Star&The Cannabis Kidevery Wednesday morning for Live, cannabis radio Podcast! June 1, 2022 8-9am Phoenix, Arizona time! (646) 915-8421, press #1 to join us live on air! SPECIAL GUESTS: Dr. Robin Goldstein and Professor Daniel Sumner! According to economists, Dr. Robin Goldstein and Professor Daniel Sumner legal weed presents an economic conundrum—while nearly 40% of Americans can walk into a store today to purchase weed legally, why do many still buy it illegally? Across North America, legal weed consumers face high prices and not enough retailers, while the predicted windfall of tax revenue has been muted. On the business side, investors are reeling, companies have shut down, and farms have failed. Many of the grandiose early promises of legalization have evaporated. In their timely new book, CAN LEGAL WEED WIN?: The Blunt Realities of Cannabis Economics (UC Press; June 14, 2022), Goldstein and Sumner draw on a wealth of economic data and their experience working with i...

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

Welcome to Weedsday Wednesday! The #1 Marijuana Cannabis Radio Podcast! Everything you ever want to know about cannabis marijuana! We'll talk about cannabis, marijuana, cbd, thc, hash, weed, pot or anything else you want to call this beautiful plant! Join us for Cannabis Interviews,strain reviews, product reviews, newsand informationabout anything and everythingmarijuanarelated in Tucson, Arizona and the World at Large! We'll share what's happening withall of the medical marijuana and recreational laws for The State of Arizona and everything marijuana happeningin our exciting little trail dust town! Call in to join us live (646) 915-8421!

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