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This is a podcast about applying the art of homeopathic detox & lifestyle medicine to your daily life to regain or improve your health. Learn how to put your health in your own hands by using nature’s powerful medicines that allows healing according to Nature's Law. Vidal speaks about using natural remedies such as homeopathy, herbs or other natural healing modalities, along with a plant-based vegan, mostly raw, mostly fruit diet in order to detox & regenerate to find total wellness. Many lies are being fed to us that have resulted in a world filled with sickness. Learn truths that shock you, hear stories to inspire you & get ready to take action to turn your health around. You CAN choose to get on the wellness path once & for all! Vidal, a certified homeopath, iridologist & biotherapeutic detox regeneration practitioner, speaks her truth & interviews experts in detail.Knowledge is Power - Health is Freedom!  Be Healthy, Be Free, LIVE LIFE!

EPISODE LINKS vidalSPEAKS sign up, VS Club, Consultations & Online Courses Join VS Club for $15/month Buy Vidal’s Supplement Course here Book A Homeopathic Consult here Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes Check out for lots of great info Podcast & Blog links Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Amazon Banner Links Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for Vidal Speaks – Thank you for using! Social Media Links Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Connect with VidalSPEAKS on Instagram here Patreon Vidal Speaks! Guest Info & Website & Book Links Website: Youtube channel: BIO Dr. Bill McGraw is originally from the United States, but he has lived and worked in four other countries for a total ...

EPISODE LINKS Check out my new youtube channel: SOL Canyon Kitchen Wisdom: Click here Check out Sol Canyon Kitchen recipes: click here vidalSPEAKS sign up: VS Club, Consultations & Online Courses Join VS Club for $15/month special offer here Buy Vidal’s Supplement Course here Book A Homeopathic Consult here Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes Check out for lots of great info Podcast & Blog links Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Amazon Banner Links Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for Vidal Speaks – Thank you for using! Social Media Links Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Connect with VidalSPEAKS on Instagram here Patreon Vidal Speaks! Guest Info & Website & Book Links Links that Dr. Goldhamer provided that are interesting. https://www.healthp...

2020 was an unprecedented year in so many ways. So much loss, destruction, love, violence & change. Hard times teach us the best lessons, help us evolve to something better from the lessons learned. Today’s episode is about lessons learned in 2020 on a personal level and regarding the health situation in the world. Enjoy.

This episode speaks about the current climate crisis perils as laid out by distinguished biologist, Dr. Reese Halter. In his new book called Gen Z. Emergency, Dr. Reese offers hope because the Generation Z youth are taking action and fired up to make change happen now. The time is now and if change won’t happen soon the consequences will be even more loss from fires, hurricanes, tornados, floods, etc. Dr. Reese is so passionate about his work and he walks the walk of a true compassionate scientist. Listen & learn. Join the movement for change! Guest Info & Website & Book Links Dr. Reese Halter website Buy his books here: Facebook: Twitter:

Today’s episode is to help all of us maintain hope by taking action for change. 2020 has been a trying year on many people, our planet, all of our animals in nature, and the world economy. Many are losing hope but we can’t sit back and watch the destruction. Instead, we need to keep taking action for change no matter how small your efforts feel it all adds up & collectively we can change the world. Stay positive and follow these 11 steps for real change. EPISODE LINKS vidalSPEAKS sign up, VS Club, Consultations & Online Courses Join VS Club here Buy Vidal’s Supplement Course here Book A Homeopathic Consult here Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes Check out for lots of great info Podcast & Blog links Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Amazon Banner Links Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for V...

This episode explains some of the many questions that are sent to VidalSPEAKS on a daily basis. Vidal speaks about treatments, testing, conspiracy theories along with what went wrong in the USA AND what we can do to prepare for future pandemics that will certainly follow this one in years to come! Vidal helps to find balance in the world of virus overload! Don’t miss this one! EPISODE LINKS vidalSPEAKS sign up, VS Club, Consultations & Online Courses Join VS Club for $10/month special offer here Buy Vidal’s Supplement Course here Book A Homeopathic Consult here Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes Check out for lots of great info Podcast & Blog links Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Amazon Banner Links Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for Vidal Speaks – Thank you for using! Social Media Lin...

Today’s episode is a TREASURE for all who find it. Dr. Neal Barnard MD will tell us how he has helped his many patients balance their hormones or heal the diseases by using specific plant-based foods. Dr. Neal Barnard is America’s #1 plant-based diet that has not only researched the science of a plant-based diet to reverse many lifestyle diseases but used it in his practice as a proof of the science. He now takes that a step further & has healed many from the suffering of hormonal imbalances by using specific foods. This episode is not only for women because he speaks about men having erection issues and prostate issues so today’s episode is for everyone. Hormone imbalances are widespread throughout the world and that is often because many toxins in our environment mimic hormones & then cause havoc on our system. I suggest everyone listen to this episode to learn how to manage years of horrible symptoms from hormone imbalances. Listen & Learn now.

This episode may be a life saving for the millions of people who suffer from vertigo. If you have had vertigo even one time you know what I mean. Doctors will tell you there is no cure but I am going to tell you today how you can rid your vertigo & often for good. You will learn things you never heard before & feel hopeful after you hear this information that is all about vertigo… such as why you have it & how to treat it without drugs. Most doctors can’t tell you why you have it and that is why they can’t fix it. But there are some easy tests you can do to learn why you may have it and once you know that it makes the solutions much more specific instead of feeling hopeless & lost on what to do. Don’t miss this episode and pass it on to anyone you know who has suffered from vertigo.

In today’s episode, you will hear from Dan Mathews from PETA who will tell us how the Coronavirus is bringing more awareness to the dangers of eating animals & moving more people to make the shift to a vegan diet. Dan speaks about the history of pandemics & how they are all related to the eating & killing of animals. Be sure to listen & join the healthy movement now to eat delicious plant foods so we can live together with our beautiful animals & live a more compassionate life. PETA has worked effortlessly for the animals since 1980 & is making a special effort during the Coronavirus pandemic to remind people of the dangers of eating animals on their own health in addition to the abuse that takes place to get them on your plate! Listen & learn.

Today’s episode is an interview with Martha Rosenberg. She speaks about how COVID-19 originated from eating animals & how this won't be the last time we will have a pandemic from an animal virus based on her life work. She has dedicated her life to informing the public about the truth about what is the meat you are eating & what they do hide all the drugs they feed the animals, all the viruses & illnesses they have & what they put in the meat during packaging. You will be surprised that meat is almost the last ingredient of the product if they would have to put a label on it! She also exposes the truth about the cruelty animals experience, which is important for everyone to know so they can make a choice to eat meat, based on true facts. What you hear today in this episode will shock you, I promise. Also in this episode is a once in a lifetime offer to join the online classroom called VS CLUB for only $10/month. Join today as Vidal will start her first online teaching ever in a few...

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