Veterans Radio

Veterans Radio

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Our mission is to see that the world appreciates what extraordinary things ordinary people have done to gain and preserve our freedom.

Michael Harris is a Marine veteran who suffered a post-discharge spinal cord injury after a car accident. He found help with the Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America (MPVA). MPVA is the state chapter of PVA and has served Michigan since 1961, "making a difference" in the lives of veterans, their families, and the public. MPVA is a leadership organization reaching out on behalf of members (veterans with spinal cord injury or disorders), associate members, and all people with disabilities to provide the highest possible quality of life in Michigan. Harris talks with host Jim Fausone about MPVA programs, loan closet, and legislative focus.

MICHIGAN VET FEST THEN AND NOW Dr. Eric Fretz, program host, and Josh Parish J.D. talk about VCAT9 and the early days when VCAT9 coordinated the first two Vet Fests, how the event evolved, and how these events support veterans. Learn about thespecifics of what will be available at the 2022 Vet Fest (all 3) and where to go for more information. Josh Parish is an Iraq War Army veteran and founder of Vet Life Today. Eric and Joshdiscuss Vet Life’s four initiatives to assist veterans in the State of Michigan. VET FEST EVENT INFORMATION Here are the links to the Eventbrite Registration Pages where you will find more details. Each event runs for four hours and isfreeto veterans and their families. Veteran Service Providers and Agencies provide information. There will be fun activities, raffles, giveaways and food for everyone! Registration is required for FREE entry to the events. Ann Arbor–Fowlerville–St. Helen

Caroline Haskins, a reporter for Business Insider, talks about the challenges is having for some veterans seeking benefits from VA. is a verification software that requires numerous steps and questions to confirm identification. It was started by an Army Ranger, but as it continues to scale up, problems are popping up. Caroline talks about complaints filed from older or infirm veterans who can't use the technology or face technology challenges. Reports of people not receiving their benefits is discussed by Haskins with host Jim Fausone.

SOCIAL MEDIA IMPACT ON TROOPS AND WARFARE RULES Major John Spencer (ret) US Army talks with us on social media impact on troops and urban warfare rules being rewritten by Russia in Ukraine. For more JOIN 200K MEMBERS OF TEAM RWB Lt. Col. John Faunce (ret) US Army talks about Team Red White & Blue and itsdrive to be the premiere health and wellness organization for veterans and its modern event model of participation. For more

Second LT. Grace VanArendonk recently graduated as a nurse from Western Michigan University, spending four years in the ROTC program. In 2022, she was the state's top-ROTC cadet. She talks about her decision to seek an ROTC scholarship, her experiences in the program, her background as a Korean adoptee, and her advice to girls and their moms about going the ROTC route. Grace talks about her expectations of Army experiences with host Jim Fausone.

Please share this music with your friends and family at the BBQ! Celebrating the music of the USA,Her Independence and Declaration of Our Unalienable Rights The music includes: Star Spangled Banner, God Bless The USA, This Land Is Your Land, God Bless America, America The Beautiful and more. Artists include: Charlie DanielsKate SmithWoody GuthrieSimon and GarfunkelRay CharlesToby KeithLee GreenwoodJohnny CashAretha FranklinThe Mommas and The PoppasNeil DiamondJimi HendrixNeil YoungKaren NewmanLady Gaga Send us the songs you would like to hear.Contact Us - Veterans Radio

Carrie Mead is the Immediate Past President of Women In Defense - Michigan Chapter. WID strengthens and influences the defense and national security industry by inspiring women, cultivating leadership, and growing professional relationships. Today, Carrie is the Acting Chief of Staff at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, VA. She talks about her career path, civilian employment supporting the military, and opportunities for women. Carrie talks with host Jim Fausone about WID's programming and events.

David Corlew, Co-Founder of The Charlie Daniels Journey Home Project RETURN REHABILITATE REINTEGRATE The mission of The Charlie Daniels Journey Home Project is to help identify, support and implement the various needs of the men and women of America’s armed forces returning from service. We owe them an unpayable debt of gratitude. After many years of service, and for some, multiple deployments, the journey home can be a complex process based on the issues of being away from family, friends, andhome. Health, both physical and mental, education, and employment are just a few of the many issues both returning vets and families are faced with. It is our passion to be a beacon of light to direct the veteran (and or family) in the best possible direction to facilitate these needs. HOME - NVBDC The NVBDC is the nation’s original third party authority for certification ofveteran owned businesses of all sizes and the corporationswanting to engage them. Our guest today is KEITH KING – FOUN...

John Faunce recently retired from the US Army after 20 years. He is now a staffer with Team Red White and Blue which focuses on events bringing together veterans and friends. Wellness and health are at the core of Team RWB and John is special events coordinator. It is free and easy to drop into Team RWB events by use of an app or online. John talks with host Jim Fausone on Team RWB mission to enrich the lives of veterans by connecting to their community through physical and social activity.

This week’s one hour radio broadcast with host Dale Throneberry is a collection of personal stories about our fathers who have served in the military. My Dad, William Clifton Throneberry, enlisted in the Coast Guard in 1943 at the age of 38. He didn’t want to be drafted because they had raised the draft age to 40. He was a Chief Petty Officer E-7. He was assigned to LST (Landing Ship Tank) 884 and sailed it from New Orleans through the Panama Canal to Hawaii and then on to Iwo Jima, in February 1945, where his LST unloaded troops and supplies shortly after the invasion. From Iwo Jima they went to Okinawa to participate in that landing when their ship was hit by a Kamakazi on April 8, 1945 and had to abandon ship when it caught fire. He and a number of other crew return to the ship to fight the fire and try to save the lives of the Marines trapped in the hull. They were unsuccessful and it haunted him the rest of his life. That was the end of the war for him. LST884 was towed back ...

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