Vedic arts: Ayurveda, Jyotish, Vastu, & Chants

Vedic arts: Ayurveda, Jyotish, Vastu, & Chants

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This spiritual channel bought to you by Narayana Ayurveda and Yoga Academy at Austin, Texas focuses on Vedic arts- Ayurveda, Vastu, Vedas and Vedic Knowledge from scriptures, and Jyotish or Vedic astrology. This is a ONE STOP SHOP for everything Vedic presented in a very simple manner. Learn about principles of Ayurvedic medicine, yoga philosophy, mantras, and chants. From invocation chants to Bhagavad Gita, from ancient stories of demons and angels (asuras and devas) in Srimadbhagavatam, from Vastu to verses from Astanga hrdyam- this channel is a one-stop shop for Vedic arts. Subscribe.

Who are we? Are we really defined by our external trappings? Why are we suffering? Why is mother nature super-mad at us? Listen to Monica Groover, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Spiritual Healer talk about our mind, body, spirit, karma and how to reduce this suffering.

It's the end of the year. Let's talk about using the Moon or Lunar Calendar to help bring abundance, healing energy in our lives. Let's learn about tithis-the 30 lunar days, the panchanga, and a lot more.Watch the Video of this podcast on Vimeo.

Lets learn how to chant properly. How to chant an invocation? What is an invocation or a mangalacharana? Why, when, where? A mangalacharana invocation sung to Sri Ganesha.You will hear singing and chanting of Om, first verse of sri bhagavata purana, ashtanga hrdyam as well. Follow along.

We have all heard of Zodiac Signs. Their myth. Their stories. Now, listen to the importance and use of zodiac signs and hora from the perspective of Jyotish-vedic astrology. Class 2 of 4 by Pandit Atul Krishna Das.

A quick overview of Jyotish-Vedic Astrology by Pandit Atul Krishna as part of Jyotish Series. Part 1 of 4. 2021. Learn about the importance of Jyotish, karma and its implication and impact, the qualifications of jyotishi or a vedic astrologer. How is astronomy interwoven into jyotish.You will hear about lunar calenders.

Create an altar, invoke the divine goddess in your altar with meditation and mantras. This is Chapter 7 of the book Ayurveda and the Feminine narrated by the writer herself-Monica B Groover.Ms Groover reads the Chapter 7 of this book, inviting you to join her in this invocation, creation and journey of meditation, mantra and invocation.

Learn about the 10 opposing qualities or 20 gunas in Ayurveda. The world is made up of 5 mahabhutas or elements. Each of these mahabhutas-space, air, water, fire and earth have qualities. If you are a pitta, then you will have qualities of fire and water. This is a part of a class by Monica Groover, author of Ayurveda and the Feminine.

The origin story of Ayurveda has all the ingredients of a Superhero blockbuster-with demons (asuras) and devas (angels). A mountain many times the size of mount Everest, and a snake so large that it could be wrapped around it (Vasuki). The avatar of the giant turtle incarnation called Kurma, one of the ten incarnations of Sri Bhagavan Vishnu appearing and super superpowers exhibited by Sri Vishnu and Shiva (drinking of an entire ocean of poison). Pandit Atul Krishna talks about Ayurveda, how Brahma passed this knowledge to a whole brigade of devas and eventually it reached earth. And, he also talks about the advent of deity of Ayurveda Sri Dhanavantari, who appeared at the end of the churning of the ocean. Enjoy!

In our Jyotish series, this is jyotish class #5 by Pandit Atul Krishna.

If you have been listening to our vedic astrology or Jyotish series by Pandit Atul Krishna, this is the session#4 published on. November 4, 2020. Previous session links below Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

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