UFO Headquarters

UFO Headquarters

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Did you know there have been over 30,000 reported cases of UFOs in the Hudson Valley, NY? What happens to people when they have very close encounters and missing time? Join Linda Zimmermann and Michael Worden for UFO Headquarters. They dig into some of the most intense and unnerving UFO sightings that happened right here in our backyard. And we invite you to call in, or join the Facebook Live chat to share your experiences. UFO Headquarters, on the second Monday of every month at 7pm eastern on HudsonRIverRadio.com!

Author Preston Dennett and experiencer Dolly Safran share some insight into the new book, "Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure," based on Dolly's true encounters.

People in Wytheville, Virginia, experienced a large number of strange events in 1987.

Is it ever a good thing for the horse? Neigh.

Linda & Mike cover more animal reactions to UFOs and other natural phenomena.

There have been a surprising number of UFO sightings on Valentine's Day. Check out these stories!

Dr. Art Donohue joins Linda & Mike to share the details of a sighting he had on October 18, 2012, in Orange County, NY.

Linda and Mike welcome Jonathan Davies, Emlyn Williams, and Mike Maunder from cross the pond in Wales to discuss the Night of the Triangles and other unexplained events.

Linda and Mike welcome retired Navajo Ranger Jonathan Dover. In addition to his regular law enforcement duties, Jonathan was tasked with investigating reports of UFOs, the paranormal, Bigfoot, and Skinwalkers in the Navajo Nation.

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