True Crime Shorts

True Crime Shorts

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A True Crime Podcast with mini-episodes (under 10 minutes), recapping cases and stories, while providing updates, opinions and unique commentary.Find us on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook!

The intriguing story and twists and turns of Liz Carmichael swindling millionaires for funding... And duping the country, including The Tonight Show, People Magazine & Newsweek, on her, fuel saving, space age, 3-wheeled car, “The Dale”, during a nation wide gas crises.

Annie Hearin, the wife of a Mississippi Millionaire was abducted on July 26, 1988.

Mark Adams was convicted for killing a 16 year old boy in 1979. In 1989, he vanished from the “escape-proof”, San Quentin prison. This case originally aired on Unsolved Mysteries on November 16, 1988.

On December 11, 1987, Christi Nichols was reported missing by her husband, Mark, under suspicious circumstances. This case originally aired on Unsolved Mysteries on November 16, 1988.

Dennis Walker was a business man and sports memorabilia collector who collected valuable and historic items belonging to legends such as Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and Pete Rose. Walker allegedly began financial schemes and illegally used investors money to gain a collection, valued at over $10 million. In 1986, authorities obtained a search warrant for Walker's office. Based on evidence found, he was charged with fraud and racketeering. Walker and the collection vanished. Walker’s body was later discovered, though his cause of death was never determined. Millions of dollars worth of the collection has yet to be found. This case first aired on Unsolved Mysteries, on October 12, 1988.

Shortly after midnight, on August 23, 1987, seventeen year old, Kevin Ives, and his best friend, sixteen year old, Don Henry, went night hunting in Bryant (Saline Country), Arkansas. About four hours later, their bodies were ran over by a 75 car, 6,000 ton cargo train traveling over 50 miles per hour. There are many conspiracies on who’s involved, ranging from a former WWE wrestling superstar, to a former President of The United States.

On November 24, 1971, a man claiming to be named “Dan Cooper”, purchased a one-way coach ticket, in cash, from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington. He then boarded a Northwest Airlines Boeing 727 and discreetly highjacked the plane for $200,000.00. At around 8:10 PM, Cooper opened the rear exit door while in flight, and jumped somewhere over southern Washington, with the cash andonly a parachute, into obscurity. Cooper, the money and parachute, were never seen again. This case first aired on Unsolved Mysteries on October 12, 1988.

Thirty-three-year-old Gail Delano was a single mother from Wiscasset, Maine, and sought companionship through newspaper personal ads. On June 21, 1986, she went to meet a date at a local Howard Johnson's restaurant, and suddenly vanished. The case originally was featured on Unsolved Mysteries on October 5, 1988.

In 1978, in Tellico Plains, Tennessee, Joe Shepherd, was arrested for the separate killings of 14 year old, Cathy Clower, and 16 year old, Roxanne Woodson, before escaping from the Monroe County, Tennessee Jail. This case originally aired on the classic TV show, Unsolved Mysteries, on October 5, 1988.

The Queen Mary took her first voyage in 1936. She’s been an Atlantic cruise ship, a World War II troop ship and a hotel. She has traveled thousands of miles and witnessed many births and deaths. She is also known for her mysterious ghostly encounters. This story first aired on Unsolved Mysteries on October 26, 1988.

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