True crime grapple

True crime grapple

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True crime grapple covers cases from around the globe, some you've heard, and some you maybe haven't. Come on a journey to satisfy your morbid curiosity while at the same time hearing the stories of the victims.

TCG writer Jim Pitts takes charge for this bonus episode discussing episode 41, When Sharon met Bobby. This is a cracking discussion on a fascinating story. Twitter @TCG3682 FB @truecrimegrapple Insta @truecrimegrapple Email Website

TCG writer Jim Pitts and i go through this episode he wrote that was covered back in episode 38. The Danielle Thomas story is an all to familiar tragedy as a result of domestic violence. If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic abuse then please do what you can to help and support them or yourself. Some contacts that maybe of use are as follows: USA domestic violence hotline 1-800-799-7233 or visit or text LOVEIS to 22522 In the United Kingdom contact the national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247 In Australia call 1-800-respect(737-732)

In the early hours of February 17th 1974, seventeen year old Carla Walker was abducted as she and her boyfriend Rodney sat in his car at a bowling alley parking lot. Two days later, her body was found just a few miles away. She had been raped and strangled to death. 46 years, 7 months and 5 days after her abduction and an arrest is made. Glen Samuel McCurley now sits in a cell charged with Carla's murder. This episode I'm joined by true crime grapple writer Lauren Daryani who wrote this story for the show, covered in episodes 13 and 14.

Just a personal update from me as to why there's been no episode for a month now and to reassure you all we will be back. Thanks for your support and patience.

To her husband and people around her, Sharon Lopatka seemed like just a regular person, living a normal life. But what no one knew was that Sharon liked go online to internet chat rooms and talk about her fantasies with strangers. These weren't just regular sexual fantasies though, they involved torture and ended with her being murdered at the height of her sexual pleasure. She deeply wanted to find someone to partake in this deadly liaison, and she eventually found her man...Robert Glass. Please leave us a kind rating and review on itunes. Join us on social media, just search for true crime grapple! Show researched, written and narrated by Dan Kelton. Music and editing by baba beats @bvbvbeats Show promo from The human spices podcast sources: (https://www.washing...

Mark Kilroy bonus discussion with True crime grapple writer Lauren Daryani.

Mark Kilroy bonus discussion with True crime grapple writer Lauren Daryani.

Mark Kilroy bonus discussion with True crime grapple writer Lauren Daryani.

Mark Kilroy bonus discussion with True crime grapple writer Lauren Daryani

A Republican “law-and-order” president under fire after eight years of a Democratic leadership, citizens protesting for change as marginalized groups fought for equality, the rise of conservative populism as the working- and middle-class became concerned with the decline of “traditional” social values, environmental activism, and a country divided by all of these issues…the United States today in 2020? Not quite – try a half-century ago. True Crime Grapple takes you back 50 years to 1970 as the divisions and the disappointments suffered then are still with us today. As the world struggles with a turbulent 2020 with a pandemic and social unrest, we can see parallels to 1970 and a university in small town Ohio. At scores of American colleges, thousands of students protested President Nixon’s escalation of the Vietnam War. But at Kent State University, no one foresaw the tragic consequences of the first weekend in May 1970 that ended with “four dead in Ohio”. Show researched a...

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