Tools They Use

Tools They Use

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Welcome to the Tools They Use podcast. A collection of interviews and weekly episodes about the world personal and team productivity software. Every few weeks, we sit down and speak to professionals, extracting all of the apps, routines and habits they use every day to navigate their work and personal life. Past guests include David Pierce from the Wall Street Journal, Chris Messina the creator of the hashtag, Joey Cofone, CEO of Baron Fig and many more fantastic professionals. This is the perfect podcast for those exploring work tools to help them get things done, with weekly episodes to help you craft your toolkit.

This week, we share how you can effectively make decisions on whether to move from your project management software as a team or not. This month is sponsored by ClickUp. ClickUp is a powerful project management tool used by teams and professionals around the globe. Get it free [here](( Thank you for tuning in, remember come back next week for more.

This week, we're lucky to have Ken Case with us to discuss OmniFocus and OmniGroup's toolkit, also his own tools, productivity values & more This month is sponsored by ClickUp. ClickUp is a powerful project management tool used by teams and professionals around the globe. Get it free [here](( Thank you for tuning in, remember come back next week for more. Special Guest: Ken Case.

This week, we uncover whether Roam Research has the potential to take on Evernote to the title of the best note-taking tool in the world. This month is sponsored by ClickUp. ClickUp is a powerful project management tool used by teams and professionals around the globe. Get it free [here](( Thank you for tuning in, remember come back next week for more.

This week, we explore the latest news and updates in the productivity space from Trello's new Butler update and dark mode to Zoom's patches to security. This month is sponsored by ClickUp. ClickUp is a powerful project management tool used by teams and professionals around the globe. Get it free [here](( Thank you for tuning in, remember come back next week for more.

This week, we explore all the latest productivity software news - including Roam's new pre-released pricing, Woven's new home tab, finance in productivity. This episode is sponsored by Woven. Woven is a powerful, smart calendar for managing meetings and planning your week. It's my go-to calendar app, check it out here. Thank you for tuning in and see you next week!

This week, we have Erik Fisher, creator of Beyond the To-Do List - a podcast all about task management, time management, and productivity. This episode is sponsored by Woven. Woven is a powerful, smart calendar for managing meetings and planning your week. It's my go-to calendar app, check it out here. Thank you for tuning in and see you next week!

This week, we have Ben Tossell, founder of MakerPad and no code enthusiast as we discuss the future of tools, his chosen tools and the building blocks to future productivity. This episode is sponsored by Woven. Woven is a powerful, smart calendar for managing meetings and planning your week. It's my go-to calendar app, check it out here. Thank you for tuning in and see you next week!

This week, we're lucky to have Rosemary Orchard - co-host of Automators FM and Nested Folders to discuss her love for OmniFocus, iOS Shortcuts and lots more. This episode is sponsored by Woven. Woven is a powerful, smart calendar for managing meetings and planning your week. It's my go-to calendar app, check it out here. Thank you for tuning in and see you next week! Special Guest: Rosemary Orchard.

This week, we host Ali Abdaal - a friend, YouTuber, NHS doctor and lifelong learner - we chat about his toolkit for work and life You can subscribe to Ali on YouTube here. Thanks again for Ali for coming onto Keep Productive. You can watch the video edition over on the channel! Thanks for stopping by folks! Special Guest: Ali Abdaal.

This week, we host Minda Harts, the creator of the MEMO - a book helping women of colour to secure a seat at the table. Get the US edition of the MEMO on Amazon: here A big thanks to Minda for coming on and sharing her adventures with work and productivity. Thanks for stopping by today folks!Special Guest: Minda Harts.

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