Timeline: The Disappearance of Cassie Compton

Timeline: The Disappearance of Cassie Compton

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Cassie Compton was 15 years old when she disappeared from her home in Stuttgart, AR. In the five years since her disappearance police have not named a main suspect, until now. KATV Channel 7 News Reporter, Kaila Lafferty goes deep into the timeline surrounding the last time Cassie was seen, who may be involved, and where the investigation is now.

Kaila and Tina go to the Independence County Jail to meet with suspect Brandon Rhodes face-to-face. They break down what was said, and share possibilities of what happened to Cassie Compton and if Brandon was involved.

Kaila gets a letter from Brandon Rhodes with his response to what happened when she and Tina visited the Independence County Jail. She talks to Chief Duke about where they are in the investigation and looks into a tip about a man who found something suspicious in the woods near where Cassie's phone last pinged.

Tina and Kaila try to meet Brandon Rhodes face-to-face, and it does not go as expected. Could Cassie be the victim of human trafficking? Chief Duke, and Tina share why they believe this could be a possibility.

Judy Compton shares her story about her daughter's disappearance. She answers questions about the last night Cassie was seen, what she fears happened, and if she believes Brandon Rhodes was involved.

Tina takes Kaila to the last place Cassie was seen, and they unexpectedly meet someone who was very close to Cassie. And they go to the place Cassie's cell phone pinged, and introduce a new theory about what might have happened.

After Chief Duke said he lost track of Brandon Rhodes in the years after he and Judy broke up, Kaila finds him. She contacts him, and what he has to say changes the trajectory of this story. Tina lends more perspective on what might have happened the night Cassie disappeared.

After rumors of a troubled home life, Kaila looks into what Cassie's living situation was like. Chief Duke, and Jordan Bontke remember what they were told about her mental health, education, relationship with her mother, and mother's fiance. And Kaila talks to a private investigator, who can't let this case go.

September 14, 2014, 15 year old Cassie Compton disappeared from her home in Stuttgart, Arkansas. Stuttgart Police Chief Mark Duke remembers the day Cassie went missing, for a very specific reason. KATV's Kaila Lafferty examines the timeline of events leading up to when Cassie was last seen, and talks to the former reporter on the case.

Timeline: The Disappearance of Cassie Compton is a multi part podcast from KATV Channel 7 News. Reporter Kaila Lafferty takes a look at the investigation into a missing 15 year old girl, from a small farming community in Arkansas. Timeline: The Disappearance of Cassie Compton is available September 16, 2019.

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