Tick Boot Camp

Tick Boot Camp

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The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"

Kristen Harris is a 39-year-old small business owner from Westchester County, New York. Her story is different than most of our guests. Ms. Harris was very sick with Lyme disease in 1998, reached remission in 2000, and in 2016 fell ill again due to Lyme. She went to college, got a job, traveled, and lived a very active life from 2000 to 2016. At the age of 33, Ms. Harris relapsed and suffered severe neck pain, full-body pain, dizziness, cognitive issues, Lyme rage, disassociation, heart palpitations, ringing in her ears, vision disturbances, muscle twitching, migraines, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and more. Ms. Harris has treated using IV and oral antibiotics, herbs, supplements, IV glutathione, IV Vitamins, oxygen therapy, and detox protocols. If you would like to learn how a young woman is beating back Lyme disease a second time in her short life and is starting to reacclimate professionally and socially, then tune in now! PS Christina Kantzavelos, Lyme Literate Therapist, special guest co-hosted this interview with Matt from Tick Boot Camp!

Andi Czyz is a multi-talented 23-year-old Certified Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Social Media Manager originally from midwestern suburban Illinois. Ms. Czyz’s Lyme disease journey began when she suffered a tick bite in March 2020. Within weeks she suffered “full body numbness, extreme brain fog, tremors, anxiety, and knee swelling”. Despite displaying classic Lyme disease symptoms, the then uber fit weightlifter had to visit with 6 doctors before she was tested for and diagnosed with Lyme. After treatment with traditional antibiotics failed to yield symptom relief, she pivoted to a functional medical practice. There she discovered her Lyme illness was working “hand in hand” with a mold illness that was found in her body and her apartment. By treating and resolving the mold illness (CIRS) symptoms, she was offered “a Lyme treatment protocol which cleared up some of the other Lyme symptoms”. Ms. Czyz’s research during her treatment journ...

Ali Goodman is a 24-year-old dancer and Pilates instructor from San Diego, California. Ms. Goodman’s young life has been punctuated by a passion for the performing arts and health challenges that would hinder her artistic progress. “Never feeling completely normal,” she and her family had to deal with random medical anomalies from the time [she] was born. Undeterred by a “different [medical] diagnosis” from more than 15 doctors, she was a straight A student, and “danced rigorously”. By the age of “16 or 17” her symptoms became so severe and deteriorating that she “thought [she] was going to die”. For the next two years she suffered from debilitating chronic Lyme disease symptoms such as “brain fog, fatigue, heart palpitations, fevers, joint and muscle pains, and migraine headaches”. Shortly after her 19th birthday, she was finally diagnosed with congenital Lyme disease, a diagnosis confirmed by urine and blood tests in addition to a “neuroquant mri”. After learning she was suffering from a congenital disease, Ms. Goodman and her family moved forward with holistic treatments that arrested and remitted the Lyme bacteria allowing her to now focus on treatment for bartonella, mold toxicity, and MCAS”. Today, Ms. Goodman is inspiring the Lyme community with her Instagram advocacy page Dancing.In.The.LymeLight. If you would like to learn more about how a performing artist is using dance and movement as an element of her physical and emotional healing plan, then tune in now.

This week Tick Boot Camp was joined by special guest co-host Alexandra Castellanos in an inspiring interview with author, public servant, and Lyme disease family advocate Jody Hudson. Ms. Hudson is the author of one of this year’s most highly acclaimed Lyme disease books: “My Promise to Alex - Through Pain Comes Purpose...”. After building the Alex Hudson Foundation and sharing her family’s journey at public forums, Ms. Hudson answered the divine call to write a book to serve as a permanent monument to her daughter’s triumphant life. Despite 10 years of medical trauma, caused by more than 40 doctors’ incorrect diagnosis, Alex taught by example that servicing others is the path to locating life’s joys. Today, Ms. Hudson utilizes diverse media to help families locate tools that bring forward faith and joy in a quest to overcome terminal illnesses. If you would like to learn more about how the Hudson family has converted loss into faith and purpose, then tune in now!

Emily Hogan is a nurse and health coach specializing in gut health from Seattle Washington. She is the founder of the “Stick to Your Gut” health coaching business. Ms. Hogan began her Lyme disease journey while she was studying nursing during her sophomore year of college. She was studying abroad when she began to suffer a lengthy flu-like illness that she decided to ignore despite her gut telling her otherwise. Shortly after she returned from her foreign studies, she became gravely ill with “extreme GI issues”. She was rushed to the hospital and when her tests “came back negative” she was introduced to the dark side of western medicine: gaslighting. After 3 years of misdiagnosis and treatments that served to exacerbate her illness, she pivoted away from the modern medical system she “full heartedly believed in” and visited a naturopathic doctor. There she tested positive for Lyme on an IGeneX blood test and began to heal by using antibiotics and natural modalities such as herbals, probiotics, acupuncture, and sauna treatments. After being failed by the medical system she “dedicated her whole heart and life to” that “left [her] with nothing when [she] needed it most,” she began to study health coaching. While continuing to “work at the bedside” as a western trained nurse, she believed she had to supplement her training “to support others who were going through life experiences” similar to her Lyme disease journey. After learning from personal experience that “our gut and nutrition are both the most vital components to our healing journey,” she built a successful health coaching business. If you would like to learn more about how a western educated nurse learned to coach people on how to remove gut triggers, adapt diets to nourish the gut, and create a plan for long term healing, then tune in now!

Kelley Flannagan is an attorney, model, celebrity spokesperson and reality tv personality from North Barrington, Illinois and Miami, Florida. She became a household name when she starred in the ABC reality series: The Bachelor. Ms. Flannagan grew up in a large mid-western family. She and her siblings enjoyed a variety of outdoor activities during their childhood. At the same time, her body was forced to cope with the ebb and flow of a variety of childhood illnesses. After graduation from High School, Ms. Flannagan attended the University of Alabama and then the Chicago-Kent College of Law. After earning her Juris Doctorate degree and passing the bar exam, she joined a prominent Chicago law firm. In 2020, Ms. Flannagan was invited to pivot from her law career to become a member of the Bachelor Nation reality series. During season 24, she was eliminated after seven stressful weeks on the show. Shortly after departure from the show, she began to suffer severe health complications. After visiting with an array of doctors, she began to fear she may be suffering from Lyme disease. Sadly, several of her siblings were diagnosed with Lyme disease and she followed in her brother’s footsteps and tested for Lyme disease with IGeneX. When her lab work revealed positive results for Lyme and several co-infections, Ms. Flannagan felt called to share her diagnosis on her social and mainstream media platforms to build Lyme disease awareness. If you would like to learn more about how a lawyer and reality tv star is using her celebrity status to generate attention to the Lyme disease crisis, then tune in now!

“The Cellular Wellness Solution - Tap Into Your Full Health Potential with the Science-Backed Power of Herbs” is the newly released bestselling book by the brilliant Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) Bill Rawls. During Lyme Disease Awareness Month (May 2022), Tick Boot Camp challenged Dr. Rawls to “unofficially launch” his then unpublished book, live and unscripted. Dr. Rawls took up the gauntlet and this podcast is the audio of the Instagram Live broadcast. If you would like to learn more about why herbs are a vital element of every Lyme disease patient’s toolbox, then tune in now! Note: The Cellular Wellness Solution is now available as the #1 New Release on Amazon. If you order the book today and then visit CellularWellness.com, Dr. Rawls will provide you with bonus extras including the Cellular Wellness Workbook.

Dr Jessica Peatross is medical doctor and board-certified hospitalist. She is the founder of the Wellness Plus by Dr Jess platform and the highly acclaimed Lyme disease medical infotainer. Dr Jess was raised in rural West Virginia by a preacher-missionary father and dietitian mother. Her sheltered religious upbringing and a broken back suffered in an auto accident informed her decision to prepare to serve by attending medical school. While attending medical school, she developed a passion for internal medicine and after completing her residency she chose to work as a hospitalist. Unfortunately, her time as an in-hospital “first responder” negatively affecting her health because she was constantly in “fight or flight”. Dr Jess left her job as a board-certified hospitalist to focus her practice on root cause answers for her patients. When she understood that “disease is not one thing but a combination of toxicity and pathogens,” she built a platform to entertain while teaching complex medical topics. Today, Dr Jess is serving the community on both free and subscription platforms. She offers unparalleled free content on her social media and in-depth video courses and community through her subscription Wellness Plus platform. If you would like to learn more about how Dr Jess’ post traumatic growth allowed her to transform medicine and the treatment of Lyme disease, then tune in now!

Nicoleta Forbes is a married 36-year-old realtor from St Petersburg, Florida. She and her husband co-manage their family, a successful real estate business, and Lyme disease. In 2016, the couple were both physically unwell and Mr. Forbes was diagnosed with Lyme disease. His debilitating symptoms became life threatening, forcing the family to close their business, sell their house, and focus full time on healing. While supporting her husband’s healing, Ms. Forbes felt like “she understood her husband’s symptoms so well and could truly understand what he was going through”. In 2018, she discovered her sympathy was in fact empathy because she tested positive for a cocktail of tick diseases including Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Her diagnosis helped her to understand why her life was bookmarked with “seasons of feeling good and then not”. Fortunately, “the trial and error with [her] husband” allowed her to shorten her treatment journey and work wi...

Dr. Casey Kelley is a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor and the founder and Medical Director of Case Integrative Health. Tick Boot Camp has featured Dr. Kelley’s work online and on episodes 98 and 170 of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast. For the past two years, podcast co-hosts Matt Sabatello and Rich Johannesen challenged Dr. Kelley to honor Lyme Disease Awareness Month by answering your questions in real time on Instagram Live. This podcast is the audio of the 2022 Instagram Live broadcast. If you would like to learn more about how Dr. Casey Kelley demonstrated that she “really knows the ropes” and gave Matt and Rich “the ole one-two”, then tune in now!

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