Dr. LaTouche, ND, helps you navigate the multitude of anti-inflammatory supplements on the market.
Dr. LaTouche, ND, breaks down the anti-inflammatory foods you need to help manage pain
Drug therapy can be very helpful in managing acute pain, but they are not without side effects. Dr. LaTouche, ND, shares more in today's tip.
Should you use ice and NSAIDs when you have an acute injury? Dr. LaTouche, ND, breaks in down in today's health tip.
What do you need to keep in mind if you have an acute injury, like a sprain or pulled muscle? Dr. LaTouche, ND, shares more in today's tip!
Dr. LaTouche, ND, discusses how the body uses inflammation to heal, but why chronic inflammation is a big problem.
Dr. LaTouche, ND, explains the importance of identifying the source of pain so it can be treated effectively.
Amino acids you get from protein in your diet provide the building blocks for your immune cells. Dr. LaTouche, ND, explains how you can figure out of you're getting enough protein in your diet.
To keep your immune system optimized, you need to support circulation through movement. Dr. LaTouche, ND, explains how you can do this to boost immunity this cold and flu season.
Dr. LaTouche, ND, explains the importance of lymphatic drainage and how to prevent lymphatic congestion which can negatively impact immune function.